tommanTIL Danbooru now uses Ruffle for the few Flash animations surviving there
tommanunfortunately Seamonkey doesn't like that, as I get unresponsive script warnings there
tommansample page: danbooru.donmai.us/posts/338024
tommanstacktrace at the moment of giving up and stopping the script: pastebin.com/ngiFFz6L
tomman(FWIW, everything works fine on FF78ESR)
tommanin fact, even the official Ruffle demos fail to do anything at all on Seamonkey
tommanruffle.rs/demo => supply your own .SWF or load any of the demos
tommanit will die with "Error: Failed to assign custom element ruffle-player" on the console
tomman...ah, Google WebComponents®, that's why!
tomman(still doesn't explains Danbooru hangs)
Guest90hello, just a quick question, is there a way to remove chatzilla from 2.5 and later versions?
Guest90ohh and lighting as well?
Guest90opps I mean the 2.50.x series!