01:53:47 your daily webfail: https://techcrunch.com/2021/08/17/stop-using-zoom-hamburgs-dpa-warns-state-government/ 01:53:54 the actual content flashes for like a split second 01:54:17 then I get an "An error occurred with this part of the page, sorry for the inconvenience." and a bunch of another article links that most likely I can't read either 01:54:20 console says: 01:54:35 "TypeError: e.matchAll is not a function" 01:55:02 at the top of a ~15-level stackdump 01:55:32 site seems to use Wordpress, which of course now caters to the Chrome pandemic :/ 01:59:44 surprisingly, the actual article content is still HTML, and not just a pile of greasy unhealthy JSON 02:02:36 unfortunately their unhealthy pile of multimegabyte Javascript removes the actual article content from the DOM (before dying with that error), so the Inspector is useless for bringing it back 02:03:10 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/matchAll oh, it's this 02:03:12 > Firefox 67 02:03:27 > Chrome 73 02:03:29 kinda newish 02:03:57 so yet more regex junk :/ 02:04:15 why do webdevs really want regexes just to render STATIC content!? 02:04:18 why why why WHY??!?!?! 02:04:46 looks like someone just got a new hammer and it's dying to find some nails to hammer them... 05:30:13 Because the are often juat lazy - and stack overflow ruleZ (not x.x)... i'm a webdev and i must correct some lazy but expansive code from my coworkers regulary... 07:17:57 yeah,latest firefox releases look terrible, so i'm back with seamonkey again 07:18:06 absolute disaster on ui 09:29:27 yeah, I'll guess they copied some library or snippet of code that had that and it worked in their test browser 20:19:24 sorry meant to say 2.59.9 final. 20:20:10 2.53.9 final source 21:42:31 as I said, reader view has a use now 22:38:14 https://archives.loomcom.com/contraltojs/ amazingly THIS works fine on Seamonkey (albeit quite slow, dunno if it is my machine)