tommanyour daily webfail: techcrunch.com/2021/08/17/stop-usin…hamburgs-dpa-warns-state-government
tommanthe actual content flashes for like a split second
tommanthen I get an "An error occurred with this part of the page, sorry for the inconvenience." and a bunch of another article links that most likely I can't read either
tommanconsole says:
tomman"TypeError: e.matchAll is not a function"
tommanat the top of a ~15-level stackdump
tommansite seems to use Wordpress, which of course now caters to the Chrome pandemic :/
tommansurprisingly, the actual article content is still HTML, and not just a pile of greasy unhealthy JSON
tommanunfortunately their unhealthy pile of multimegabyte Javascript removes the actual article content from the DOM (before dying with that error), so the Inspector is useless for bringing it back
tomman> Firefox 67
tomman> Chrome 73
tommankinda newish
tommanso yet more regex junk :/
tommanwhy do webdevs really want regexes just to render STATIC content!?
tommanwhy why why WHY??!?!?!
tommanlooks like someone just got a new hammer and it's dying to find some nails to hammer them...
scopsBecause the are often juat lazy - and stack overflow ruleZ (not x.x)... i'm a webdev and i must correct some lazy but expansive code from my coworkers regulary...
gryyeah,latest firefox releases look terrible, so i'm back with seamonkey again
gryabsolute disaster on ui
njsgyeah, I'll guess they copied some library or snippet of code that had that and it worked in their test browser
WG9s_sorry meant to say 2.59.9 final.
WG9s_2.53.9 final source
roboboxas I said, reader view has a use now
tommanarchives.loomcom.com/contraltojs amazingly THIS works fine on Seamonkey (albeit quite slow, dunno if it is my machine)