WG9s_this looks like an issue for frg it is not supposed to be building telemetry. this is not an arm64 issue
tommanOK, quick, is there something wrong with this ad banner?
tommanhave been noticing something screwy going on with animated Anime News Network's ad banners for months
tommanlike, really screwy animations
tommanthen, someone decided that it's a good idea to serve WebP images as GIFs
tomman(the same adbanner animates just fine on FF78ESR
tommananother example of the botched animation: animenewsnetwork.com/assets/27314fd…bbcaadfef3c555356aaa1e341e78dcf.gif
tommanif you open it in another tab, the animation seems to work fine at first (depending on the banner)
tommanbut if you resize the window, only the changed parts between frames will show
tomman(on ANN's homepage you get the exact same behavior from load time)
tommanNormally I would say "eh, adbanners, why simply don't block them", but ANN is one of the rare case of on-topic, well-behaved ads.
tommanhappening on at least 2.53.7, .8, and still .9b1
tommanIIRC even earlier 2.53.x releases could be affected
therubetomman: not quite sure what i'm to be looking for, but both are looking OK (from what i can tell) on my end.
therube"star wars", i see the animation.
therube"zom", i /might/ have caught something ? once ? but maybe not? looks very static to me.
therubegotta run... bye.
therube2.53.10 20210809210003
tommanimgur.com/a/QYSEyuu have a gallery with some samples of the issue I'm seeing here