03:22:44 https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/support.html WTF IS THIS....?!?!?! 03:23:09 so basically if you aren't using Chrome, get COVID and die 03:23:15 we're come down to this.... 03:23:42 wow, that's fucked up 03:26:07 well, apparently most of CDC's site has been updated lately to "support" Firefox 03:26:38 still, this is a very terrible policy for a public resource in the middle of a deadly worldwide disease 07:04:39 fast forward a couple decades and see how the world has improved! 07:05:08 I mean, weren't people battling with "best viewed in XXX" or "Supports MSIE" 20 years ago? 14:00:38 That was easy. And it even works :) 14:00:39 https://ibb.co/YPXk0Dj 14:20:32 Bloody Hell! I haven't even install my 2.53.9Beta1 and now there's a 10Beta1 !! 14:21:30 are we Agileā„¢ yet? 14:21:53 Maniel no there isn't. Local build. There is a 2.53.10b1 pre which is this one. 14:22:02 Hmm! No 10Beta1 page up yet!! 14:22:18 https://www.wg9s.com/comm-253/ 14:22:40 Maybe it's still just a WG9s version!! 14:31:21 Can't connect to the log today? Don't even get an error message. 14:33:24 can confirm here 14:33:48 after getting past the cert error, it simply waits forever 14:40:44 I guess I'll try again later, or tomorrow.