tommancovid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/support.html WTF IS THIS....?!?!?!
tommanso basically if you aren't using Chrome, get COVID and die
tommanwe're come down to this....
pandakekok9wow, that's fucked up
tommanwell, apparently most of CDC's site has been updated lately to "support" Firefox
tommanstill, this is a very terrible policy for a public resource in the middle of a deadly worldwide disease
njsgfast forward a couple decades and see how the world has improved!
njsgI mean, weren't people battling with "best viewed in XXX" or "Supports MSIE" 20 years ago?
frg_AwayThat was easy. And it even works :)
ManielBloody Hell! I haven't even install my 2.53.9Beta1 and now there's a 10Beta1 !!
tommanare we Agileā¢ yet?
frg_AwayManiel no there isn't. Local build. There is a 2.53.10b1 pre which is this one.
ManielHmm! No 10Beta1 page up yet!!
ManielMaybe it's still just a WG9s version!!
WaltS48Can't connect to the log today? Don't even get an error message.
tommancan confirm here
tommanafter getting past the cert error, it simply waits forever
WaltS48I guess I'll try again later, or tomorrow.