07:07:13 WG9s: Hey, Walt, last night you had a link here for your lastest SM, was ir 2.53.9b1 or something. I downloaded it and, just now, I tried to install it but the file name ended with tar.xz instead of the normal tar.bz2, so my Linux can't install it. 07:07:44 WG9s: can you post that link again, so I can re-download? 07:07:48 Ta! 07:11:11 WG9s: Don't worry about it. I've just checked the m.d.a.sm NG and Job has posted a link there! 07:20:03 Maniel: I think the link WG9s pasted here yesterday was for the source tarball, not compiled binaries 07:23:01 njsg: O.K., Ta, but as I typed, Job supplied a link in the NG's so I've downloaded it and I'll install it in the next couple of days! 07:28:43 Brings up an interesting point ....... Prior to the move to libera, there was a link in the header of the IRC page to the irc logs where I could call up past days postings on the IRC chn. Do we still have the capability to look up past days logs on the libera site?? 07:41:03 Any progress on the RSS button issue? 07:41:16 cause no update on the bug since it was created. 09:49:12 Maniel https://ircbot.comm-central.org:8080/seamonkey/ 09:49:13 Cureently uses a self signed certificate so we didn't publish yet. 09:52:39 frg_Away: Yeap, that's the type of thing I was referring to! Any chance of getting that link in the screen header with the links for the releases?? 09:53:18 Maniel We wanted to wait till the cert issue is fixed. 09:53:29 Maniel: Well as frg said earlier, it doesn't have a proper TLS certificate yet, so it's not yet ready for publication 09:53:57 .... and now that I read what you typed, I see there are problems with doing that atm!! 09:55:26 Thanks, guys! 10:01:02 So not gonna answer my question eh? 10:01:10 How disappointing. 10:02:04 It is a low priority issue. I didn't have the time to look at it yet and Suspsect IanN neither. 10:02:51 in the past few months.. low priority feature regarding primary window ui bustage.. what kind of project are you running here? 10:03:14 Obviously testing and validation isn't a high priority either... 10:04:52 else it wouldn't have been broken for five years 10:04:58 eh, frg_Away? 10:05:23 Didn't you become defacto leader some five years ago? 10:05:32 hmmmmmmmmm 10:07:00 I am sorry. No first class coders like you around so we ship broken builds. And if you want to provoke me go ahead and watch me not care. At the end of the day you will end up lonely and alone if you contiue on thsi path. Don't see that you have one friend. 10:08:02 Well I was hoping for a comm solution but failing that I can always rip it out and replace it with alt impl 10:09:21 I do have a couple working models I can pick from 10:09:46 But i much rather would prefer the introduced issue be properly fixed.. But doesn't look like I am gonna get that any time soon. 10:10:11 Oh well... 10:10:17 Until our next encounter. 10:34:16 Hmmm!! Somethings going wrong!! About two hours ago, I posted here that last night I downloaded SM 2.53.9b1 tar.bz2 file but the download hadn't worked 'cause I had ended up with a tar.xz file (whatever that means). But I found a link on the SM downloads page so re-downloaded the file from the SM 2.53.9Beta page ...... and I've ended up with a tar.xz file again!! 10:34:28 What am I doing wrong?? 10:36:27 Maniel: https://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.53.9b1#official 10:36:49 seems to have bz2 files for me 10:37:01 xz files are source 10:37:32 Maniel: which link did you follow? 10:38:02 started form seamonkey project home page 10:39:10 Maniel: .tar.xz is lzma-compressed tarball. GNU tar (at least if the relevant libraries and/or utilities are present?) can handle that on the fly 10:39:16 staryrf avtualy started from the link in the topic so https://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/ then clicked on the "SeaMonkey 2.53.9 Beta 1" 10:39:53 then clicked on "SeaMonkey 2.53.9 Beta 1" 10:40:16 from there i clicked on "Official Builds" 10:40:36 Just blooking in the Download Manager, as I download, and it's showing I'm downloading a 52MB .bz2 file, just as it did last night, but now, in the folder were the file was saved, it showing as a .bz2 file, so, maybe I got lucky!! ;-) 10:41:43 last nights file was showing as a 'source.tar.xy' file!! 10:42:12 I will find out why we are using xz rather than bz2 for the source tarball, but you could install xz from your linux distro 10:42:44 Maniel: 32-bit? (I ask because the html directory listing shows 64-bit as 51 MiB and 32-bit as 52 MiB) 10:43:52 WG9s: Treat me gentle!! ;-P I can just about handle tar.bz2 .... at times I think I might like to have a fiddle with the sourse .... but not yet!! ;-P 10:44:08 WG9s_: I've got bug 807637 in my browsing history 10:44:32 well the link i posted yesterday was for someone who wanted to build from the source 10:44:40 sorry if i confused you 10:44:44 njsg: 64bit Linux, 32 bit WOW Win7 10:45:50 while I've interpreted that bug's subject as "all release tarballs", the linked changeset seems to be only for source ones? 10:46:39 njsg: Download Manager showing tonights download was 51.2MB 10:47:13 Maniel: ok, ls here shows 52 as well for 64-bit .tar.bz2 10:48:21 I was wondering because both the listing and the download dialog had 51 or 51.[...] for that one 10:48:37 Last nights was also 51.2 MB, so buggered if I know how I ended up with a 272.4 MB tar.xz file!! 10:48:52 perhaps we should add the script from the project page that figures what the appropriate build for your platform is to the beta page 10:50:32 The change to xz came probably with one of the many platform backports. Remember I ported a few xz changes. Mozilla mostly switched to xz for better compression here I think. Wonder why the packager code did not get switched but not loosing sleep over it. TB and Fx still ship tar.bz2 too. Suspect has something to do with the update code. Not yet "enhanced" for a "better" user expirience. 10:50:56 And, just to throw another spanner into that suggestion, Walt, last night, whilst in my Linux 64 bit install, I also downloaded the WIN& 32 bit installation file!! 10:51:17 s/WIN&/WIN7 10:51:53 Tea Time!! BBL 10:52:41 njsg ah that seems to be the one. The ones I ported are probably for lzma compression and mar generation Bug 641212. Did go back and forth during 56. 11:13:45 Maniel: if you install the xz package then tar will recognize the xz compression and automagically decompress it. 11:14:42 WG9s: "install the xz package"?? Treat me gentle!! ;-P 11:15:14 however you install new linux packages on your linux distro 11:15:38 Maniel Are you on an x86 Windows version? x64 should be better behaving. 11:15:45 so for redhat would be 'sudo dnf install xz" 11:15:58 WG9s: SM is about the only package I install!! 11:16:58 frg_Away: When I brought this 64 bit Laptop in 2009, it came with WOW32 Win7! 11:17:00 but the builds are all bz2 we only use xz for the source. since you are building from source you don;t need it 11:18:02 since you are NOT building from source is what i tried to say 11:18:39 WG9s: Mageia Linux ... which I think was sort of, several incarnations ago, based on RedHat 11:19:25 so would be either what I typed above if you really need to decompress .xz files 11:19:46 if really old might need instead to use "sudo yum install xz" 11:21:27 Maniel I switched my Thinkapds all over to Windows 7 x64 over time after upgrading the Ram to at least 4GB. key is good for both versions and if it came preinstalled and a major brand you could probably even use the slic 2.1 procedure. Would even take x64 Ultimate then if home but that is not legal :) 11:21:34 WG9s: If read about "sudo" and "yum" being used on other Linux OS. Never tried it or had need for it. 11:23:33 frg_Away: Ther you go!! "if it came preinstalled" ... When I brought this HP Laptop, it had Win7 32 bit pre-installed and I got the 32 bit disks as well! 11:25:30 frg_Away: At this stage, as Linux is now major usage, why bother upgrading Win7 ..... and me not having the money to do it previously!! ;-( 11:27:41 Maniel Yeah if you don't need it much not needed. But if ever need it no need for HP discs. Clean MS 7 ISOs and checksums for them are all over the place. 11:32:54 frg_Away: so based on input from Maniel, perhaps would be a good idea to change the thing on https://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/ that figures out what final version to provide to have an extra choice in a pulldown with 2 choices. Latest stable (which works like it does now) or latest beta whch does the same thing but picks the appopriate beta build you really need to click on links... 11:32:56 ...on about 4 different pages to actually get to the the beta builds and still only gets you to all the builds for ll the platforms for all the locales. should be simple to get to latest beta that is appropriate for my system. 11:33:33 frg_Away: Yes, having the Win7 got me over a period where, after an update, Mageia 6, which had been connecting via a 3G Dongle, stopped connecting via the same 3G Dongle. 11:33:34 Now, due to the Teleco that provided the 3G system dropping that 3G system, I'm now connecting, via either Win7 or Linux, via Wi-Fi, to a modem connected to the phone landline!! ;-) 11:33:45 could add a link to https://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.53.9b1#official in the topic 11:35:24 ]' 11:37:09 (slinks away to read his Doctor Who news group!!) 11:37:48 Maniel Yes here in Germany they are all dropping 3G. I have a whitelist bios in my X201 but not traveling much currently. Only one compatible LTE card and I will probably get a mobile access point when needed. 11:39:42 in the meanwhile, we have All The G's, but none that actually works 11:40:02 so topic could be SeaMonkey 2.53.9b1 https://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.53.9b1#official and https://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/ are out! || Nightly builds https://www.wg9s.com/comm-253/ || SeaMonkey - surfing the net has never been so suite! || c-c (OPEN ) | c-257, c-253 (APPROVAL ONLY) 11:40:05 hmmm, thinking into updating to 2.53.9b1 later today 11:40:19 time to backup my profiles 11:40:26 frg_away: The big advantage of the Dongle was being able for it to connect to the phone system just about everywhere! Now, as I age, and my travelling requirements shrink, that need is not so great, and a lot more places are offering access to Wi-Fi in any case!! 11:41:10 WG9s: that topic would suit me!! 11:41:24 just changed it 11:42:43 but still doesn't include a link to the logs .... which frg says has still to be sorted!! 11:44:16 WG9s: Just struck me .... do you really want the link to the Beta version as the first link?? 11:44:30 Maniel There are now fine mobile usb powered access points available wich can be used for hours without re-charging. No need for dongle drivers and could pick any laptop I want with them. Quit my job but if I ever need to travel again will go this route probably. 11:44:47 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28151942 is Seamonkey also getting... this "change" too? 11:45:01 Manial. Sure we need testers and it is stable. 11:45:22 really really REALLY don't want to get into that topic, but as other Mozilla and Mozilla-derivatives are pulling it, well... 11:46:17 Maniel: I had the same idea and was alredy doing the change 11:46:25 screwed it up the first time 11:46:36 tomman Bug 1649482 for SeaMonkey is a top priority item for the next comm-central based release. 11:47:04 frg_Away: What's the saying about "Great Minds ............"?? ;-P 11:47:35 s/frg_Away/WG9s 11:48:24 I say we need testers :D I hate point releases because of breakage only no one reported. 11:49:09 will update later, after I come back from my COVID-19 jab appointment 11:49:18 hopefully I won't die this time :D 11:49:35 tomman got mine two days ago. Nanobots are at work 11:49:47 we don't have 5G here, so I guess I'll be safe then :D 11:50:00 Any potentially breaking stuff with .9 before I update' 11:50:07 or it's just "business as usual, please report bugs"? 11:51:00 bau about 1500 patches so a bigger release. cZ updates and clear private data overhauled but well tested. 11:52:03 I think about 1700 or 1800 patches for both comm and mozilla combined but not counted accurately 11:52:22 anyway if the idea was to get more testers on the beta having to click on so many links to fing the actual builds on so many pages was counter to makeing it easy to test so I decided to add a link to the actual builds in the topic 13:07:21 All I know about 5G here is that terrestrial television is changing *again* because of GSM frequencies. 13:09:09 and everytime they cange I seem to lose some stations. 13:09:31 becuase can;t broadcast as far on the new frequensicies 13:11:53 when they first introduced DVB-T here I think there was some screwup with transmission strenght or coverage, didn't get it here and I think a lot of people ended up subscribing special cable packages which were marketed as "digital television on cable" (but with PAL as well) 13:12:44 also an issue that i have what are local tv channels that neither xfinity nor FIOS seem to carry 13:13:26 i cn only get h&I over the air and since lst time thy cahnged requsncies really hared ot get depending on weather conditions. 13:14:15 at my friends hose in upper state new york even works can no longer get the local fox tv channel over the air 13:30:03 As far as I know 5G has a more limited range and needs more base stations. 3G was all I needed. 4G and 5G might be better so that it can serve more users in a cell but for rare speed I don't care. 13:35:25 I somehow did a /topic on this channel in the way to doing this so had to change the topic back to what it should be 13:35:45 ops again on incorrect channel 13:57:35 I think I finally have a topic that actually provides links to builds for people 14:47:48 aaaaaaa6 14:48:55 * WG9s says hi bella! 14:54:25 mauz 16:19:39 allright, I'm back, got my (first) jab, and since I'm not dead, it's time to backup my profile and test 18:49:16 tomman usually the second is more problematic. 19:46:15 now on 2.53.9b1 19:46:49 the world isn't burning, I'm still alive, and I need to take a look in depth on cZ's es-AR localization 19:47:47 nice, "comando" instead of "orden" as translation for "command" stuck 19:55:48 oops was a test version got posted 19:56:38 topic SeaMonkey - Surfing the net has never been so suite; SeaMonkey Stable https://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/; SeaMonkey Beta 2.53.9b1 https://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.53.9b1#official; SeaMonkey Nightly https://www.wg9s.com/comm-253/; c-c (OPEN ) c-257, c-253 (APPROVAL ONLY) 20:00:18 had a version in a text file ready for next version and accidently posted that int=stead of current. 20:09:08 ok so now have text files with current next final and next beta 20:09:24 so perhaps can plst the correct thing 20:20:30 shouold update current with the others and only ever post current 22:17:39 p-[[[[[[[[[[[ 23:00:16 ...wtf 23:00:23 Chatzilla now maps emoticons to actual EMOJIS!? 23:00:44 totally dislike that change