07:32:11 buc: in case you don't know, the drag'n'drop with wide view issue is present in Tb 78 as well 07:32:33 had it in the vm, so gave it a quick try... 08:19:12 either this (bug 1720968) does not happen on windows or it wasn't present in 13:40:39 njsg: Thanks for the tests! 13:41:47 njsg: The issue is present in 2.49.5 as well, so it is something ancient... 13:42:53 But if it is not reproducible under Windows, then it is some gtk2/gtk3 related (I've tested with 2.49.5 built against gtk2). 13:43:11 gtk2? ok, that's something I hadn't tested yet 13:43:35 I'm wondering if this may be some detail of how drag and drop happens under gtk 13:45:46 It is likely, since the dragging code is OS-specific (see mozilla/widget/*/nsDragService.*), and even MOZ_LOG mentioned before seems OS-specific. 13:46:14 Need someone to test on the Mac ... 14:10:39 njsg: I believe this is not related to how drag-and-drop implemented on gtk in general. This related to a situation when the initial window has already escaped from the mouse at the moment when the mouse is released, but no one noticed it and did not cancel the dragging (if any). 14:55:30 Hmm... Gtk creates special "hidden widget" to work with dnd. Then probably mouse is always over it, despite the pane switching... 20:11:22 buc: I think that, when the mouse button is released, it's possible that the dragging hasn't begun yet 20:27:16 njsg: Sure, if you release the mouse fast enough. But the computer is most likely to be faster... :) 20:33:28 buc: but see the logging output, it's silent until the pointer reaches the area where you start seeing the drag and drop icon/thumbnail 20:37:29 Yes. Interesting that when th epointer reaches the thread pane (right of folder pane), the dragging starts to show too. 20:38:59 So only message pane masks it completely. Some unpredictable mess on a very low gtk level i guess :) 22:02:32 I feel like the SeaMonkey build docs are very... not helpful. Are there any plans to improve them? I'm trying to compile SM on Windows 22:04:25 Odyssey346[m]1: which instructions are you trying to follow? 22:05:03 https://www.seamonkey-project.org/dev/code-development 22:06:22 Odyssey346[m]1: frg_Away might have additional information 22:06:56 Alright, thanks 22:08:12 Odyssey346[m]1 Basically you set it up like Thunderbird and use comm/suite instead of comm/mail. I am using Vs2019. If you want I can send you my setup instrunctions for VS2017 and VS2019. They needs some work but are a start. 22:09:21 Alrighty, I'll try again in some hours. Need to sleep 22:56:23 Ugh.., "Account Wizard is broken after clicking news URL", https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=521861#c51