23:31:29 channel logging requested by frg_away: https://ircbot.comm-central.org:8080/seamonkey 23:31:56 ok, seems to work 23:32:27 frg_Away: thanks! 23:32:35 I'll trust self-signed certs any day of the week~ 23:32:49 hrosik tahnks to you. 23:32:57 ^thanks 23:33:04 * hrosik must not forget to extend the VPS :) 23:33:18 no problem 23:33:26 tomman more than cloudflare and google for sure :) 23:33:31 yup! 23:35:42 love that Pontoon complains that is XML... but only when you confirm with Return key 23:35:55 it won't complain if you use the actual Confirm button instead! 23:36:30 Are those placeholders in cZ (mainly for commands) meant to be localized? Few locales (if any) actually bother 23:36:54 tomman saw some of the translations already. A bit down under but will try to get them in 2.53.9 soon. 23:37:05 frg_Away: well, stuff has been somewhat rough 23:37:19 there have been some pointless reversals, and communication in that platform is... lacking 23:37:23 tomman: well, I have been planning CAcert for years (not sure my account there still works) 23:38:27 for example, someone reverting it with the obviously incorrect Google Translate suggestions, and some stuff about "gray text isn't meant to be localized" 23:38:35 tomman Previously cZ was not visible so much locales miss them. If they are not translated the en-US one will be picked. 23:39:07 I'll go localizing those anyway, it's useful for end-users, and it only means a few extra minutes for me 23:39:26 also, this: https://i.imgur.com/nNZ9Okz.png 23:40:59 I missed making translations, reminds me my first time in 2002 translating GBA emulators :D 23:41:42 (still received some love mail about "plz translate Pokemon" until 2016 or so!) 23:43:41 Well technically it is correct :) 23:44:26 hrosik: might be worth requesting a cloak for logbot_cc