krishnahi all
shrini-weechathi krishna
shrini-weechathow are you?
shrini-weechatnice blog krishna
shrini-weechatgood to see that you are using i3
shrini-weechatif possible, give a talk on i3 in LUG meetings
shrini-weechatkanchilug and ilugc
mohan43ukrishna: use "${variablename}" instad of $variablename in your scripts
krishnathanks all
krishnashrini : already talked i3wm, pywal, picom again one time? are you okay?
krishnamohan43u : i am very lazy. i type directory short name so i created that function :)
krishnamohan43u : my function input -> "competetive" autometically change dir ~/Git/CompetetiveProgramming. i used grep to find dir name.
krishnamohan43u : mostly i type short dirname and without case sensitive
krishnamohan43u : first i used alias gitdir="cd ~/Git" if possible to use variable in alias?
krishnaany search website are available for efficient blog search?
mohan43ukrishna: use ${}, instead of simply putting $ in front of variable name. there are lot of things you can do with ${}.
kaartickrishna: you want to search for something within a specific blog site or you want to search the whole web?
krishnamohan43u : okay bro
krishnakaartic : blogs only
kaarticLike which blogs you want to search. There are innumerable number of them out there!
hariharanI just read it. Their community they have some benefits for the community partners