shrinihello all
krishnashrini : hi anna
krishnashrini : anna one doubt how to edit wordpress blog title appearance only?
krishnai try to edit heading appearance thats edited all headings
shrinikrishna: dont worry about the interface at wordpress
shrinijust share the content
shrinichange the theme to get different look
shriniwp-admin->apperance-> theme
krishnashrini : okay anna
shriniyou can have custom css too
shrinibut dont spend much time on ui
shrinijust write and publish
krishnashiri : okay anna
shrini-weechatkrishna: are you working on any project?
shrini-weechatchecked your blog title
shrini-weechatthis seems correct only
shrini-weechatno change is required
shrini-weechatjust set a blog title. wp-admin-settings-general - blog title
krishnashrini : no brother i currently self study python backend
shriniok krishna
shrinishare your learnings as blog posts daily
krishnashrini : okay anna
krishnaokay i leave. bye all