13:41:33 Good day to all 13:43:31 Any one can suggest to me. I have getting below error while executing the code in pycharm 13:43:35 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/rajasekar/Desktop/Proj/iy/app/.venv/db.py", line 19, in O=Database("Customer.db") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/rajasekar/Desktop/Proj/iy/app/.venv/db.py", line 16, in __init__ self.cur.execute(sql) sqlite3.OperationalError: near "EXIST": syntax error Process finished with exit code 1 13:45:18 vsraj80: what you understood from the error? 13:48:04 Mohan: Hi. I think the py file not linked with db. 13:55:09 ohh i think i missed s in EXISTS. i will try again 14:11:29 can i post the code here to get support 14:18:11 hi all 14:19:01 i started learn REST API. 14:21:42 vsraj80: this channel is logged, so probably you should not share any code from official places (like office etc). only share the code which you own or Open source code. 14:22:07 i can't understand some technical terms 14:22:31 krishna: which term? 14:22:56 client server architecture 14:23:29 seperate a work? 14:24:14 it mean server process only request after send respone? 14:24:31 krishna: do you understand sockets? 14:24:42 krishna: heared about sockets? 14:24:52 i don't know sockets 14:25:10 https://docs.python.org/3/library/socket.html 14:25:22 may be better to read this documentation 14:25:45 mohan43u : thank you 14:25:53 and write a simple echo server and client, the echo server should return whatever message the client sends 14:26:10 the client should send whatever we type from standard input (terminal). 14:26:36 if you do this first, you will understand one of the basic building block about internet. 14:27:58 I would say very important build block of internet 14:29:56 mohan43u : okay bro 14:36:10 Mohan: sure. I will make try and publish in blog 14:36:30 one linux relevent doubt 14:36:48 /dev/shm -> this mount point is ram disk? 14:37:21 krishna: yes 14:38:01 vsraj80: try what? sockets? 14:39:06 mohan43u: how can i expand default size without use swap 14:39:43 krishna: which default size? 14:42:28 mohan43u : 1.9Gigabytes 14:43:43 mohan43u : why created this point in linux and how it use linux this point? 14:48:43 krishna: /dev/shm is the base for shared memory objects (https://man.archlinux.org/man/shm_overview.7) , so if you do multi-process communication using shared memory, this is the memory you will be operating. 14:50:02 mohan:i confused whether installed sqlite3 properly or not. so googling it. 14:50:57 vsraj80: what OS are you using? 14:51:02 as new to ubuntu i have struggling to all basic configurations 14:51:27 mohan:linux 15:00:08 hello all 15:02:00 Mohan:SQL error https://vsrajpython.wordpress.com/2025/01/30/sql-error/ 15:02:53 vsraj80: what is the tutorial you are following? 15:03:01 for connecting python and sqlite? 15:03:31 Shrini:tutorial means 15:03:43 tkinter 15:04:46 vsraj80: how are you learning this sqlite and python? 15:04:56 are you reading any documentation ? 15:05:00 or tutorial? or guide? 15:05:24 yes. youtube tutorial project 15:05:32 shalli share the link 15:10:54 dont follow youtube 15:10:57 read some tutorials 15:11:03 reading text is important 15:12:42 krishna: good to see your repo https://github.com/github-CS-krishna/TerminalTyping 15:12:51 can you make it for tamil typing too? 15:13:16 vsraj80: never ever goto youtube to learn any thing 15:13:43 The more you go away from reading text, you are going away from programming 15:14:01 Shrini: Okay. I then i will stop here the project 15:14:24 you can continue the project 15:14:39 just search for python/sqlite tutorial 15:14:43 do you know SQL> 15:14:46 ? 15:14:59 Shrini: no 15:15:12 I am from Commerce background 15:17:12 I have struggling to codin in ubuntu too. But MK already advised me to learn with linux. so i have started 15:17:26 then start learning SQL first 15:17:37 yes, learning the basics are really important 15:17:51 most of the CS students learn the basics on college 15:18:06 and they can add on more skills on top of the basics 15:18:21 as you are from non CS, you have to invest more time on the basics 15:18:33 Shrini: fine. i will start 15:18:39 https://python.swaroopch.com/ 15:18:47 read this book fully and practise the code therw 15:18:51 do you suggest any link for sql 15:18:52 read all the lines 15:18:56 dont skip anything 15:19:11 Okay 15:19:36 https://freetamilebooks.com/ebooks/learn-mysql-in-tamil/ 15:19:46 you can start with this book, if you can read tamil 15:21:12 or start the tutorials from https://www.w3schools.com/ 15:23:57 what is the project you are trying? 15:27:38 desktop application for a computer service center 15:28:38 shrini: sorry i out of focus 15:33:52 shrini : okay i will implement tamil typing support 15:35:50 vsraj80: 15:36:06 tha 15:36:18 nks 15:36:31 vsraj80: can you explain your project idea? 15:36:41 are you running any computer service center? 15:36:43 or working there? 15:36:49 what is the requirment ? 15:36:53 thanks krishna 15:37:35 krishna: check this too 15:37:38 https://github.com/KaniyamFoundation/ProjectIdeas/issues/239 15:37:49 let me know if you can work on this 15:38:18 vsraj80: learn the linux basics too 15:38:57 https://freetamilebooks.com/ebooks/learn-gnulinux-in-tamil-part1/ 15:40:22 Shrini: My friend running a Computer Sales center. On for him i have trying to create a desktop app. Already he have one msaccess application. but he facing some issue on that. 15:40:42 what that application should do? 15:43:03 Customer name,and contact details,and kind of issue like mother board problem,os installation , and . this will lika a job sheet. the work will be alloted to a service engineer. 15:44:54 ok 15:45:13 once laptop collected from customer job sheet should be given in pdf format to customer. then based on work status data will be updated like work completed,work pending, problem not solved so return like 15:46:05 interesting application 15:46:26 how much time you have to build this application? 15:47:44 i dont have idea. just blindly started.my target i have to complete it. thats all 15:48:51 Expecting ideas and suggestions from your end. till that i will proceed with that sql ebook 15:49:46 it may take 6 months for you to complete the application 15:49:48 or more 15:50:13 it will be a good learning experience 15:50:51 but, if your friend needs a quick solution, explore any existing web based ticketing systems 15:51:07 there are many Free/open source ticketing systems 15:51:09 ohh.ok 15:52:33 Not urgent. He will adjust. 15:52:53 ok 15:53:39 how many hours you can spend on learning, per day? 15:56:08 ? 15:57:17 approx 4 hours 15:58:38 ok 16:02:13 start reading the MySQL book 16:02:26 take notes and publish the notes daily 16:02:37 you can take 3 weeks to complete the book 16:02:57 read, practise, take notes, blog them 16:03:27 Shrini: Sure, thank you 16:03:53 I will quit for the day 16:05:25 sure. thanks 16:34:46 hi annamalai 16:35:01 thanks for the GDB book reading hour at kanchilug 18:07:07 hi shrini-weechat 18:07:54 welcome. mainly it is being conducted as a means of proof reading and to improve the translation 23:42:24 Good day 23:43:16 Draft model https://vsrajpython.wordpress.com/2025/01/31/my-project-requirement/