13:21:17 Good day to all 13:22:12 I have trying to create a desktop application for computer service center 13:22:20 vsraj80: hi good day to you 13:22:37 vsraj80: nice, in linux? 13:22:44 Hi sir thank you 13:22:51 yes. using linux 13:22:57 vsraj80: no sir mate, just call me mohan 13:23:08 sure mr.mohan 13:23:16 i am from payilagam 13:23:42 vsraj80: great, which language you selected, which framework? 13:24:32 as per demo youtube video, i have trying to use pycharm. but i have struggling to find it in terminal 13:25:02 python 13:25:23 for this project i am trying to use tkinter 13:27:16 actually as i am new to coding i have confused to choose the framework. so based on demo video i proceeding with tkinter 13:55:16 vsraj80: try pyQt[ https://wiki.python.org/moin/PyQt ] or pyGtk [ https://python-gtk-3-tutorial.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ ] 13:55:32 vsraj80: both are native UI frameworks for Linux 13:56:40 vsraj80: nice to see people are still interested in native UI rather than going to electron/web craps 13:57:50 sure. i will try any of one from these 13:58:12 thank you 14:00:48 starting from the scratch. so i am unaware of the worth of differences between all these. 14:02:37 any have i have hope that i can equip myself with the experienced persons who supporting like you. the rootcause for the public forum is Mr.MK(payilagam) 14:17:42 vsraj80: hi 14:17:54 hope you are learning python 14:18:31 https://python.swaroopch.com/ 14:18:41 read this book and learn the basics 14:18:57 python is all about handling text 14:19:12 build 4-5 command line applications 14:19:19 then go for a GUI app or web app 14:19:40 then only you will know to debug the errors and find where the issue/bug is 14:20:16 https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-easygui-module-introduction/ 14:20:27 easy_gui is another simple gui library 14:20:30 try this too 14:20:59 https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/chennaipy 14:21:06 join the chennaipy mailing list too 14:23:05 shrini-weechat: Yes, but the course completed last month 14:23:32 nice 14:23:36 do you have any blog? 14:23:41 anyhave i will learn as you said 14:23:49 https://python.swaroopch.com/ 14:24:02 then, read this book quickly and practice all the code 14:24:14 read all the paragraphs. dont skip any line 14:24:28 reading documentation is as important as writing code 14:24:51 if you feel that you are not wring good code, it means you are missing to read the basics 14:25:13 okay. i will start from today 14:26:30 do you have blog? 14:27:23 created blog. but while updating the html code i was got error. so i dropped there. 14:31:00 create 14:31:13 create 14:31:26 a blog in dev.to now 14:31:41 write a first post snd share url now 14:32:11 yes 14:32:22 please 14:33:03 already created in the name of vsrajpython.com in wordpress. but struggling to find the share link 14:33:51 hmm 14:33:56 find it 14:34:27 hi all 14:34:33 i am krishna 14:34:37 hi 14:35:18 anna i start to learn python backend development please guide me 14:35:25 HTML- ChessBoard https://vsrajpython.wordpress.com/2025/01/10/html-chessboard/ 14:36:31 good vsraj80 14:37:03 vsraj your blog showing coming soon 14:37:32 if you assign me some project work i will try to finish it at maximum best. can you guide me 14:38:05 krishna: anything i have to update on this? 14:38:53 did you write anything about python vsraj80 ? 14:39:02 yes. will give some project ideas 14:39:33 hi krishna 14:39:44 can you share your blog and git URL 14:39:47 shrini: yes. but deleted. from today i will start to update 14:39:59 to know more about your current leanings 14:40:01 ? 14:41:25 git -> https://github.com/github-CS-krishna/ blog with wordpress -> https://krishnasubramaniyan.wordpress.com/ 14:44:58 good krishna 14:45:07 https://python.swaroopch.com/ 14:45:19 krishna: please go throught this book 14:45:38 okay anna thanks 14:46:17 krishna: do you know web scrapping? 14:46:18 vsraj80: ? 14:46:30 like we need to scrap some data from few websites 14:47:26 i don't know web scrapping 14:48:03 krishna: perfect, then learn web scrapping 14:48:15 okay anna 14:50:41 i try to scrapp which websites are perfect to scrapp data? 14:52:30 shrini: no(web scrapping) 14:53:11 but i want to do it for pulling out the data from stock exchange. 14:53:29 for stock analysis 14:53:50 explore the nice vsraj80 14:53:54 start working on that 14:54:07 can you share the progress daily here and in your blog? 14:54:23 shrini: sure. i will update. 14:55:02 shrini: i will do some code and post day after tomorrow 14:55:13 vsraj80: https://vsrajpython.wordpress.com/2025/01/10/html-chessboard/ 14:55:21 open your blog in private mode 14:55:33 it is saying as "coming soon" 14:55:42 you have to publish your blog 14:55:52 i think not yet 14:56:22 let me try now 14:57:14 can you suggest where the option to publish 14:57:30 checking on it 14:57:31 give a min 15:00:23 the status showing me as published 15:00:49 check the same url in private mode 15:01:53 https://wordpress.com/forums/topic/why-does-my-blog-say-coming-soon/ 15:02:05 To launch your site, go to Settings → General → click the Launch site button → 15:02:07 click the Save settings button 15:02:14 https://wordpress.com/support/privacy-settings/#launch-your-site 15:02:20 ok i will do it 15:03:54 krishna: can you tell what are your python skills? 15:04:17 i think you asked for how to become a python backend engineer 15:04:34 backend is all about building APIs 15:04:50 do you heard about API? REST API ? 15:06:06 shrini: i know core python only. i don't know any frameworks 15:06:36 ok 15:06:45 thats fine 15:06:55 programming is like cooking 15:07:24 how a kitchen has so many ingrediants 15:07:45 in the same way, programming is all about handling many things 15:08:05 language is one major component, like gas stove 15:09:01 along with language, there are many stuff like, frontend, database, API, server management, logging, log rotation, backup, performance, unit testing and more 15:09:31 keep on learning new things daily 15:09:39 create more programs 15:09:50 with many components 15:10:53 in python, the backend API are developed with FLASK or FastAPI or django 15:10:59 learning these will help 15:11:08 but, before that explore about REST API 15:12:55 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtWH70_MMHM 15:13:12 https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/what-is-rest-api-rest-api-concepts-and-examples-edureka/174179563?from_search=1 15:13:19 see this slide and video 15:13:37 API is the formal way of doing CRUD operations 15:13:47 CRUD = Create Read Update Delete 15:14:12 we will be doing only the CRUD operations most of the times with our applications 15:14:28 REST APIs gives a unified way of doing these 15:14:49 home work - see the above video, take notes and publish in your blog 15:15:39 vsraj80: did you launch your blog? 15:16:01 shrini: okay anna i will learn this daily and i will write blog 15:16:24 shrini:https://vsrajpython.wordpress.com/2025/01/10/html-chessboard/ 15:17:05 shrini: may i know whether it is working? 15:21:08 checking 15:21:42 vsraj80: yes, it is working now 15:21:44 thanks 15:23:48 keep writing daily 15:24:25 I will ask payilagam muthu , to ask all students to write blog daily with their learning notes 15:24:49 it seems you completed python course, but no blog post on python 15:27:36 shrini: yes i completed the course. but on that time my system memory was in poor condition. as well as i struggled with wordpress account. 15:28:23 shrini: Further i will update here 15:31:58 ok 15:32:14 how much RAM you have? 15:40:51 now changed new desktop 8gb 15:48:44 Thank you all. i will signout for the day 16:14:22 × This environment is externally managed ╰─> To install Python packages system-wide, try apt install python3-xyz, where xyz is the package you are trying to install. If you wish to install a non-Debian-packaged Python package, create a virtual environment using python3 -m venv path/to/venv. Then use path/to/venv/bin/python and path/to/venv/bin/pip. Make sure you have 16:14:56 vsraj80: yes 16:15:23 how i have to change env for another project. i have getting above error 16:15:48 pip install xyz --break-system-packages 16:16:02 give like this 16:16:10 replace xyz with your desired package name 16:16:31 okay 16:16:49 what is the command you are executing to get the error, share that too always 16:17:46 while trying pip install report lab i got the above error 16:23:51 shrini: sorry for the time delay. linux handling is being very difficult to me . i used practice for windows for long period 16:31:33 ok 16:32:04 ok 16:32:29 shrini: nice i have installed thank. 16:32:40 :-) 16:32:50 please blog all such learnings 16:33:04 the issue you get, the errors and the solution 16:33:27 this blogging practise will help a lot for you and others 16:36:04 added vsraj80 and krishna blogs here 16:36:06 https://blogs.kaniyam.cloudns.nz/ 16:36:27 we can read your posts from here along with the blogs of other kaniyam friends 16:47:36 shrini: okay.i will update all by day after tomorrow 16:49:18 vsraj80: ok