Varun777hi all
kaarticIt indeed is good to have valuable long time contributors, shrini :-)
kaarticHelps keep the community and app alive
Varun777what app kaartic:
kaarticJust hanging out here
kaarticHow do you do?
kaarticWhat's up on your side Varun777
Varun777kaartic: Nothing much kaartic, pinging here after a month nearly
Varun777btw, I am searching for open-source contributors for writing test cases
Varun777with github actions
kaarticAh cool. What kind of project are you looking to write test cases for?
Varun777I am revamping this project
Varun777by arranging folders
kaarticThat's cool to learn about Varun777
kaarticYou are writing test cases for your shell script?
kaarticOr the UX that it spins up?