12:14:26 Good day Everyone! 12:15:11 mohan43u: shrini - here is the playlist covering all songs from the Dhuruvangal :) . Happy listening!! 12:15:16 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz32OJQDs6P3KqoQhufPOt1wiy_-y7S87&feature=shared 12:15:31 talk to you all later! 13:41:33 thats nice sethu_payilagam 13:41:43 thanks for the playlist 14:06:57 hi all 14:07:59 https://varunmuralidharblogs.wordpress.com/2024/11/21/day-1-of-postgresql/ 14:08:27 my first blog on wordpress about postreSQL from syed course 14:14:03 sethu_payilagam: thanks brother. after long time I'm hearing those songs 14:17:30 Varun777: nice blog post. 14:17:52 thank you mohan43u 14:18:22 mohan43u: no updates on my theekkathir scraping 14:18:40 busy on 3 days 14:24:06 Varun777: no problem, do it on your own pace. 15:05:54 My pleasure shrini and mohan43u! :) 15:07:09 thanks Varun777 you had another blog at dev.to i think 15:08:17 good blog on postgresql 15:09:07 added your new blog here https://blogs.kaniyam.cloudns.nz/p/i/ 15:09:14 continue writing daily 15:09:19 sugi: how are you? 15:09:24 Hi everyone 15:09:25 thanks for the technical writing talk proposal 15:09:30 Hi Shrini 15:09:53 fine shrini - I should say thanks to you to make to give talk 15:10:14 shrini-weechat: It will help in my preparation also 15:10:39 Varun777: Nice Blog Varun. 15:11:22 Varun777: you should change your blog title 15:11:35 check your settings and change the blog name/title 15:11:57 sugi: share your plan/topics to cover on your talk 15:12:35 Varun777: share your blog in the Whatsapp/telegram groups you are in, for the postgresql class 15:12:42 shrini-weechat:Topic is Technical writing and Creative writing 15:12:46 it will inspire other people to write more 15:13:02 sugi: subtopics to cover? 15:14:57 sugi: ? 15:15:05 shrini-weechat: Now only going through the topics like if its a technical write - 1. Decide audience 2. structure of the content like in brief 3. Its a team work, so have to cooridnate with the people who are all in that particular product dev or project 4. First draft - have to meet with same people like whether our understanding is right 6. main content 15:15:47 good points 15:15:49 7. final draft - which definitely will share with the team members 8. then publish the content 15:16:09 9. ready for some revisions also 15:16:17 hmmm 15:16:51 just one website only gone through, still have to search for some more content, then make the sub topics 15:17:16 And diff between creative and technical writing 15:17:41 creative writing is like with our imagination, own experience and the main content 15:18:06 shrini-weechat: These are the information only read. 15:18:20 https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/technical-writing-77369155/77369155?from_search=5 15:18:35 go through this document and the topics given 15:18:58 ok shrini 15:19:30 https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/introduction-to-technical-writing-4305074/4305074 15:19:35 this also 15:19:42 sure 15:19:57 take notes from these and you can show the notes on the meet and talk 15:20:16 as last meet, its ok to show the text file 15:20:22 for the points and explain them 15:20:28 its simple and good 15:21:47 ok shrini, thanks (I am enjoying only text - less work) 15:23:24 yes :-) 15:23:34 tpp is a terminal based presentation tool 15:23:46 you can use that for future slides on terminal 15:24:04 I use emacs itself for all my text based presentations 15:24:54 https://camo.githubusercontent.com/c1fae98bef15ea98272907eb5151546cdf8466f568205e5ed85ca8b06eee4af7/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f644a42787a30782e676966 15:25:04 ok shrini. Emacs - thinking to install, may be after the entrance test (next week) 15:25:05 sample gif on tpp 15:25:15 https://github.com/cbbrowne/tpp 15:25:28 https://linuxconfig.org/tpp-the-command-line-presentation-tool 15:25:33 just grab these links 15:25:36 check later 15:25:40 not essential for now 15:25:44 ok shrini 15:26:00 on your talk, cover about various tools used on tech writing 15:26:20 ok 15:26:49 various markups like asciidoc, markdown, orgmode, latex, rst for readthedocs etc 15:27:19 these are all for tech writing 15:28:01 tools lke pandoc, git 15:28:39 importance of language and grammer 15:28:52 how blogging can help 15:29:01 ok 15:29:21 various opportunities on open source software communities to contribute with writing docs 15:29:43 most foss teams have their own wiki 15:29:53 so that anyone can help editing the docs in wiki 15:30:05 wiki has its own syntax like markdown 15:30:11 oh ok 15:31:07 open-tamil python wiki contributors welcome 15:31:34 hariharan: Thanks for the feedback email Hariharan 15:33:14 You're always Welcome sugi don't thank me everytime i am online 15:33:22 :) 15:33:34 :) thought you did not see it 15:34:49 ok shrini. let me sign off. Thanks. 16:07:34 I read chat log before sleep if not active during 8-9PM 16:32:13 hi Varun777 did you shared the github link for date time converted you wrote 17:23:31 mahii: how is your progress? 17:23:48 hariharan1: we have the logs always 17:23:56 read them on your own pace 17:40:44 yes shrini 17:41:19 last two days client site visit fully drained me 17:47:39 oh, thats good 17:47:46 entire office will be super busy then 17:48:11 nope :( 17:48:29 hmm 17:49:24 myself and CTO visitied client site for our embeded device installation wifi routers has a different plan for us to drain all our energy 17:49:57 hmmm 17:50:25 where do i learn fundamental netwoking low level 17:50:39 i have difficulties on understanding the terminologies 17:50:44 these are opportunities to learn 17:51:34 these opportunities are good for learning but i need more than that. 17:53:49 being clarity on the low level fundamentatal terminologies will give me confidence on when something goes wrong or out of control it will help me to find out whats wrong and which will good for us. 17:54:49 yes 17:54:55 the basics are always important 17:55:17 we miss to focus on the basics sometime 17:55:19 through this opportunity i became to realize that i can setup wifi for a 4 floor hospital 17:55:39 wow 17:55:41 thats nice 17:56:13 but i applied same thing for another hospital it wont worked 17:57:10 i know only how the network will talk to each other and when it will wont 17:57:22 oh 17:59:26 but each envionment those charateristic changes that i need to apply those charastistic change as network architecture to bring cost effective solution to grab more clients 18:00:01 if i do all the things i can become a good network adviser 18:01:22 there some things i lack particularly now is router optimal position based on router make , modal, capability , obstacles and interferance 18:04:14 to resolve this problem i need to know how does it work?. till now i know how to configure a router and make a working setup using the docs and online tutorials. 18:05:26 shrini-weechat: Experiencing Ubuntu. 18:06:38 As you said need to start a blog soon. 18:13:23 i need to know about for how much load i can handle and how much interference it can tolerate to optimal delivery is there any persons you know having good and networking ? 18:35:51 Varun777: Good Varun I need to start a blog :-) 18:38:03 hariharan1: yes, all these will come by experience only 18:38:29 mahii: good to know that 18:38:36 start a blog and write your experiences 19:13:07 https://dev.to/maheshgorla/a-day-with-linux-ubuntu-experience-5bpc 19:13:18 shrini-weechat: okay 19:53:45 https://blogs.kaniyam.cloudns.nz/p/i/ 19:53:51 added your blog here 19:53:59 thanks for a good start 19:54:37 with RSS feed readers, we can get only the real content, removing all the right panel, left panel, injected advertisements etc 19:54:49 hope the worlds returns to feed readers one day