14:17:37 any good free (gratis) resource for learning computer networking? 14:25:59 fury999io: https://man.archlinux.org/man/socket.7.en 14:28:52 thanks 14:30:04 Hi Shrini 14:32:37 Today let me work on my code (Homework) in Java, then have to complete Exception Handling blog. 14:33:31 shrini is not here rn 14:34:31 fury999io: Yes, but he will read when he comes, so leaving messages 14:35:04 oh 14:36:36 Shrini: Let me write another blog for IRC - what I prepared for yesterday's talk (most similarly the text file sent in email) 14:38:01 The above 3 tasks and another task if time permits, planned to finish before join tomorrow 14:38:22 hi sugi: shrini: 14:38:33 Hi Varun 14:39:25 Have you joined todays postgreSQL class 14:40:23 No, packed with homework and classes, and in my class also they are going to take the same 14:40:34 ok sugi 14:40:43 Varun777: Have you joined? 14:40:49 yeah sugi 14:40:58 how is that? 14:41:19 it was nice, just gave intro about db and types of integrity 14:42:15 Varun777: I really missing it, I wish to, but situation not permits 14:42:26 hi SAKTHIRAJ: 14:42:56 SAKTHIRAJ: is my collegemate 14:43:10 Oh, thats good 14:43:15 willing to join LUG 14:58:10 Good day Everyone! 14:58:29 Hi Varun777. I joined the session. It was good! 15:00:18 fury999io: once you learnt about the sockets, learn all the man-pages with (7) mentioned in SEE ALSO section of that man page. They are the building blocks 15:03:07 mohan43u, alright 15:04:58 hariharan: Thank you Hariharan for the feedback. 15:05:21 Hi Sethu - Eaten the frog? 15:05:44 Yes Sugi :) 15:05:50 :) 15:06:12 Completed the 2nd chapter 15:07:03 hi hariharan: 15:07:05 It talks more about the planning. Like for eg: How planning 10 mins in the beginning of the day can save around 100-120 minutes in a day 15:07:28 sethu_payilagam: yes true 15:08:02 and how planning ahead makes you avoid procrastination. Like planning for tomorrow by end of day today 15:08:08 It was nice.. 15:08:50 sethu_payilagam: Elon Musk do same thing 15:09:04 Good Sethu, I am also learning something because of your updates.Thanks 15:09:07 I watched in "Sha boo three" tamil channel 15:09:41 mohan43u: In a similar way, is there any plan on how to learn Linux administration in general. Like a syllabus to tackle on a day by day basis 15:10:12 Good to know Varun777! 15:10:21 Thanks sugi 15:10:44 sethu_payilagam: is there any tips on planning more than one tasks, on end of day 15:11:16 given in the book? 15:12:03 I can able to do only one task on next day, before sleeping that night 15:12:55 sethu_payilagam: to learn linux? that book shrini asked here to read, once of the fantastic book to learn what is mean by FOSS and how to learn linux, you will never leave that book once you start reading it. 15:14:20 I am also in the learning curve Varun777! But as per the chapter it goes like this. We need to have a plan bucket where you start listing all the things you wish to do with no timeline.. and there should be one more bucket for monthly and start moving things based on your timeline to this.. and in a similar way create a weekly and daily list.. and follow the same. So you know what you plan and what you achieved on a give 15:14:20 . If something of higher priority is not completed then it becomes your first item to knock off for the next day. So start thinking or planning on how to tackle the next day and It will brew in your mind during the sleep.. 15:14:30 this is what I learnt on the planning part 15:15:12 I think i missed that message mohan43u. Let me review that now 15:15:53 Thank you mohan43u 15:16:10 sethu_payilagam: that book doesn't teach you about linux administration, it teach you how to learn using linux. 15:17:10 sethu_payilagam: https://freetamilebooks.com/ebooks/dhuruvangal-technical-novel/ this is the book. 15:17:22 exactly mohan43u.. I need something like that.. I will definitely go through that 15:17:53 sethu_payilagam: allocate some time mate, you are in for a ride :) 15:19:41 I am trying mohan43u. But my days are up and down.. last week was crazy travelling to office twice and I am unable to access anything within my companys vpn like the IRC daily chat.. but you are correct. I need to plan better and start allocating more for reading 15:23:26 sethu_payilagam: let us know what you learnt in each chapter through your blogs or sharing your thoughts here. 15:23:56 For sure mohan43u! Thank you again 15:26:32 hello all 15:26:39 Hi Shrini 15:26:45 did anyone attend the DB class? 15:27:10 I did, shrini! 15:27:13 shrini: Sethu and Varun 15:30:18 shrini: Is there any rule or guidelines for kanchilug and ilugc emails? Where can i find it? 15:31:06 hi shrini 15:35:24 shrini: let me check the reply in ircbot tomorrow. thank you. 15:37:58 good sethu_payilagam 15:38:09 how was the db class? 15:38:13 how many people joined? 15:38:56 i Varun777 15:39:27 sethu_payilagam: how are you reading the eat that frog book ? 15:40:21 mahii: SAKTHIRAJ: are my college mates shrini 15:40:28 I did not start the blog for that yet shrini 15:40:57 But I completed the chapter 2 last night 15:43:07 chapter#2 goes like this. We need to have a plan bucket where you start listing all the things you wish to do with no timeline.. and there should be one more bucket for monthly and start moving things based on your timeline to this.. and in a similar way create a weekly and daily list.. and follow the same. So you know what you plan and what you achieved on a given day/week/month. If something of higher priority is not c 15:43:07 becomes your first item to knock off for the next day. So start thinking or planning on how to tackle the next day and It will brew in your mind during the sleep 15:46:35 nice sethu_payilagam 15:46:56 Thanks shrini! 15:47:07 please publish your notes in your blog too 15:47:27 or copy/paste from the logs at https://ircbot.comm-central.org:8080/kaniyam 15:47:45 Varun777: mahii thanks for joining 15:47:49 mahii: share your introdiction 15:47:59 Sure shrini 15:48:16 how was the db class? 15:48:20 today 15:48:28 db was nice shrini 15:49:09 they have given intro about flat files 15:49:22 and introduction about database 15:49:39 nice 15:49:50 can anyone write daily blog on the class notes 15:49:53 and explained on types of integrity 15:49:55 or just minutes also fine 15:50:10 how many attended today? 15:50:44 syed used to make blogs everyone those who attended meet 15:51:35 ok 15:51:35 as of now, I and sethu_payilagam attended meet 15:51:58 what may be the total count today? 15:52:22 between 28-34 members 15:52:30 thats good count 15:53:28 SAKTHIRAJ: also attended meet 15:53:44 he's offline now 15:53:49 ok 15:54:10 what about your projects Varun777 ? 15:54:17 share the progress 15:58:19 shrini: scrapped title,date,author,link using scrapy 15:59:21 written date to Tamil date converter and vice versa functions to avoid unlimited scrapping 15:59:39 remaining 15:59:49 content scrapping 16:00:21 get author at bottom of content scrapping 16:00:41 add in pandas dataframe 16:00:53 convert to parquet file 16:01:41 also need to write bash script on push to hugging face dataset shrini 16:03:18 -x- 16:08:48 Varun777: why do you convert as parquet? 16:08:54 plain CSV should be fine 16:09:03 plese share the code link and csv link 16:09:17 please write a blog post on the current days improvements 16:11:15 shrini: no shrini, I feel parquet is good enough to handle data types very easily also scalable, also we can attach content and other file in a single as like pandas dataframe. 16:12:50 s/file/other columns like title author date etc., 16:13:12 s/single/single row 16:22:28 Varun777: Hii 16:23:00 hi hariharan: 16:26:45 is shrini available online 16:26:59 Did you completed the scraping part 16:27:16 no hariharan 16:27:16 He is online 16:27:30 Do you face any issues 16:27:39 content is remaining hariharan 16:27:46 list was done 16:28:02 Okay good 16:28:23 btw, I'll push my code on GitHub tommorow and send 16:28:31 here 16:29:16 Good 16:50:26 hello 16:50:31 got on a call 16:50:38 i am back Varun777 16:50:55 i was asking why you choose parquet format to store data? 16:51:02 csv is easy to read 16:51:11 by human and applications 16:57:01 I am trying to connect via weechat it did not connect due to error 104 connection reset by peer 16:57:08 What can i do 17:04:24 testing from weechat 17:08:10 now it was resolved i put the port number while configuring using weechat documentation was wrong 17:08:34 quit 17:09:00 hariharan: what port did you use? 17:09:07 What did they mention in doc ? 17:10:29 hari-weechat: what port you use? 17:10:42 what port is mentioned in doc? 17:11:04 6667 from the irc cloud share link and in docs 6697 is mentioned 17:15:19 https://libera.chat/guides/connect 17:15:37 6667 - no ssl 17:15:41 6697 - ssl 17:16:06 so now i have connected via no ssl option right ? 17:16:52 yes 17:16:58 6697 should also work 17:16:58 i have not configured wee chat to connect ssl? 17:17:07 let me try 17:17:35 /server add libera irc.libera.chat/6697 -tls 17:17:40 try this in weechat 17:17:47 https://weechat.org/files/doc/weechat/stable/weechat_quickstart.en.html 17:18:02 check here 17:18:03 https://weechat.org/files/doc/weechat/stable/weechat_quickstart.en.html#add_irc_server 17:19:08 error 104 connection reset by peer is appearing 17:19:19 the same message is shown before 17:23:44 oh 17:24:15 then go with plaintext port itself 17:26:04 okay good 17:26:40 is that problem with my ssl configurations ? 18:15:57 itz_mr_evil: you are not using tls, thats why you are not able to connect 18:16:08 itz_mr_evil: use tls to connect to 6697 18:16:45 mohan43u: i have added tls flag on adding server but not able to connect the server 18:17:51 itz_mr_evil: what exact commands you used to add the server? 18:20:56 /server add libera-ssl irc.libera.chat/6697 -tls 18:21:34 cos i have already configured libera for libera server without tls 18:22:29 itz_mr_evil: maybe 18:22:46 itz_mr_evil: remove previous liberachat server configs, keep only the tls one 18:23:19 will try to connect it by removing the old one 18:26:34 I have tried another time mohan43u It wont works 18:28:48 Connected to server message is showing 18:28:51 hariharan: great. 18:29:22 After that immediately 104 errorcode is thrown and got disconnected 18:29:36 Not able to connect it 18:30:28 hariharan: so you are still connected through 6667? not 6697? 18:30:51 I have not connected 18:31:12 Right now iam replying you from mobile client 18:31:17 Not weechat 18:31:38 hariharan: do you have only one config for libera? or multiple configs? 18:31:55 Only one the ssl connection 18:32:05 I have removed all others 18:33:10 hariharan: so when you connect, what error you get? press ctrl-l after it disconnects, then you can copy the error messages, you can paste it somewhere like pasts.rs/web and share the link 18:33:26 Sure 18:37:12 hariharan: paste.rs/web, sorry for the typo previously 18:37:51 https://paste.rs/K67jw 18:38:16 No issues i can understand still 18:38:23 :) 18:43:36 hariharan: but you can connect through 6667? without tls right? 18:49:23 mohan43u: tls connection successfull 18:50:02 by default ssl in server setting is not set i didn't know the reason 18:50:02 hariharan-weecha: what was the issue? 18:50:26 in my irc.server.libera.ssl is off 18:50:47 i turned on using /set irc.server.libera.ssl on 18:51:00 then tried reconnection now its working good 18:51:56 still iam getting confused why did my tls connection is turned off ? 18:52:53 did any body reads my odoc-tamil series in kaniyam wanna give a try ? https://kaniyam.com/tag/odoc 18:53:45 you used `libera-ssl` as name of your config when adding tls connection config, now you say setting `irc.server.libra.tls` to on which fixed that issue? so you have two configs now for liberachat? one is `libera-ssl` and `libera`? 18:54:16 wanna read from your rss reader use https://kaniyam.com/tag/odoc/feed 18:55:24 no i still have one configuration libera - irc.libera-chat/6697 18:55:37 i removed as per your suggession 18:57:06 hariharan-weecha: ok, somehow you are connecting, thats good. 18:58:25 using a device for chat and another device for doing work is little difficult 18:58:50 living in terminal is seems little better now a days 20:42:56 hariharan: living in terminal is one of the best things we can do with linux 20:43:15 no GUI app can give the peace and happiness that a terminal gives